We Have A Genuine Interest In Your Success!

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If you have a business in Western Victoria, then we are interested in helping you develop a successful web site that generates income. Let’s face it, no-one wants or needs an online electronic doorstop. And yet, there are so many business websites online that don’t attract any significant attention.

One of the keys to having an effective website is the content. Rather than just being an ‘online  brochure’ about your business you need to think about the types of phrases and words people will use in the search engines when they are searching for a solution to their problems. After all, most businesses provide solutions. We’re not just talking about technical or business related problems. It could be a solution to a handyman problem, a solution to a birthday gift problem or a solution to a new skirt problem.

If you tailor the content of your website to closely match what people are searching for then in most cases it is going to give you an advantage over your local competition. This is one of the areas we specialise in – improving traffic to your website based on what people are actually searching for.

One of the tools we use – which you can try for yourself – is the Google Keyword Tool. Enter a search term closely related to your line of business and it will provide you with a long list of related search terms and show you how many people are searching for those terms each month. Armed with this information you can add content to your website that targets the real search terms that real people are using to find the solutions to their problems.

If you are interested in a free analysis of your website, please use the ‘Contact Us’ link and let us know the web address of your site and a contact phone number. We’ll get back to you within a couple of days to let you know how well your website stacks up.