
13 Jul

Server Upgrade

Over the next few weeks we will be moving all hosting accounts to a new server. This is primarily because the operating system on the current server (CloudLinux 7)...

05 Jul

Hosting Price Increase

Effective from July 5 2020 all hosting prices will increase by $20 per year. This is our first increase in over 7 years and is necessary due to the...

15 Mar

ESSLCerts Scam

I recently had a customer ask me if the email below (from is legitimate. It most certainly isn’t and is just another bottom feeder trying to extract your...

01 Jul

DNS Australia Scam

I’ve been seeing some emails come through recently that are a scam trying to rip Australians off by selling them the .info version of their .au domain for stupidly...

16 Aug

Domain Expiry Scams

I’ve had a few customers contacting me recently regarding bogus domain notices received via email. This type of scam has been around for years and is sometimes delivered via postal...

28 Mar

What Sort Of Web Hosting Provider Do You Want?

There are many different types of web hosting, but in this article I’m going to concentrate on what the customer gets rather than how the different types of web...

22 Feb

Proofpoint – Why Apple and email Are Not Viable For Business

I’ve been in the Internet business since 1994 so I’ve seen many (including some failed) attempts at blocking spam. The most notable was SPEWS which attacked spam with a...

20 May

Clever Twitter Phish – Don’t Get Caught!

I just had an email come in that was crafted a bit more cleverly than most. First, here’s what the email looks like:           It...

10 May

How Fast Is The NBN?

I was asked to do a short interview on ABC Ballarat (local radio) yesterday to comment on the website How Fast Is The NBN. The spot was only about...

23 Oct

Phishing In The Big Pond

I see phishing emails come through every day, and some are quite impressive. You’ve probably seen some yourself that have very broken english, mis-spelling of the organisation they purport...